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cause cold
chills me to the bones
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![]() Jireh. that's jai-ra for you. it's Hebrew,but i'm not. 15 years old. Glendale School;Quezon City Science HS;Dr.Henry A. Wise HS Love.Faith.Unity.Peace.Courage.Fidelity Darwin.Curie. 10th Grade. Filipino. singing.reading.drawing.internet.daydreaming.eating. Jpop.Jdrama.Kpop.books.manga.anime. House MD. JAPAN. Yamada Ryosuke = ♥ |
![]() tact.
last Saturday,after our bible study,my sister and i sat in the car waiting for my dad.Ponkan: uy,ang ganda ng boses ni Pac Sun (codename) no? ako: onga eh. Ponkan: kung iko-compare kayong dalawa,mas maganda boses nia. ako: D: D: D: for some reason,i got hurt a bit. i know that Pac Sun's voice is much better than mine(and it's true too),but hearing that from my own freaking sister is kinda discouraging. so tactless.D: i wish my sister just didn't say anything. now i feel depressed.-____________- let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() happy 16th birthday~
haberdei Frances' ichiban and my niban!you're always so cute and awesome,and though JUMP says you're quite manipulative,i still love you.♥♥♥♥♥ i really miss your voice,but i like that you're trying to cope up with puberty,so i (and your hordes of fangirls) will support you always. gosh,you're 16 now,and i still can't believe it.O_o anyways,continue to be awesome,and hug the sun! and oh,i wish your fan love you always.♥ let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() gobble gobble.
it's Thanksgiving yesternight.:Dwe had pata tim,pork barbecue(i cooked it.:D),macaroni salad(courtesy of tita Gina),fried pampano(fish.LOL.),turon,cassava cake(courtesy of tito Boy),pot stickers, and strawberry cake. ![]() there were lots of people: tito Boy,the Balasoto's,the Porter's and the Noble's,the Macaranas couple,the Pacheco's,ate Annalyn and ate Vea,kuya Allan,and kuya Carlo. it was really fun. ate Myrrh,MJ,Mitchel,kuya Carlo,Ponjie and I played Pictionary and Mao. Mao is a crazy card game of penalties. one rule of the game is to avoid talking unless absolutely necessary,so MJ and Mitchel were like,"oogh-oogh." we were laughing hysterically. but the guys had to leave early cuz they were supposed to camp(yeah,with tents and all) outside Best Buy for Black Friday. oh,the things a sale can do to us. so anyway,after they left,i went to the family room to check out what the adults were doing. they were effectively utilizing the Magic Sing to proclaim to the world how nice their vocal chords sound when they vibrate. in short,they were singing. it was funny,since they were all game. but eventually,everyone left except tito Boy and the Porter's. uncle Brian and tita Carolyn were still singing,and Cheyenne and Brenan were horsing around the house. tito Boy and Dad were drinking coffee,and Mom was starting to clean up. i sang too,out of boredom.^_______^ then i had a long talk with tita Carolyn about education and schooling. you see,uncle Brian is a M.D(medical doctor),Ph.D(doctor of philosophy),and MPH(master of public health).he's kinda a scientist too,and has lots of specialties: pediatrics,internal medicine,allergy, and immunology. and oh yeah,he studied at HARVARD.he was also accepted at Johns Hopkins(my dream school),but Harvard gave him a scholarship because they want him so bad. i wish i would have that level someday. so yeah,tita and i talked about schooling,her sons,and lotsa stuff. she was really nice and fun to talk with. it's the most stimulating conversation i ever had with an adult.:) soooooo,uhuh. i'm thankful that even though i'm kinda depressed because i wanna go home so bad,i have wonderful friends and a wonderful spiritual family. happy needless turkey murder.:D oh,and i'm thankful for another thing. i'm thankful for Facebook. it connects me with people i haven't seen in a long time. today,i found a long lost friend. i have this classmate waaaaaaaaaay back in 3rd grade. her name is Danielle,and she went to Canada. i've been looking for her and Nikki and my other classmates who transferred schools in elementary. she found me in Facebook. i know she's sad for some reason,but i kinda felt comfortable chatting with her. like nothing happened.:) i guess it's natural for some,ne? but i'm really happy because of her. thank God there's FB. and also,thank God i have you guys. thank God that you're always there to support me even though we're a world apart. iloveyoufriends.^_____^ let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() tibetan test.
1-st question. Priorities in your life:1: LOVE 2: CAREER 3: MONEY 4: PRIDE 5: FAMILY D: D: D: 2-nd question: smart implies your own personality. cute implies personality of your partner. swift implies the personality of your enemies sweet- It is how you interpret sex. calm implies your own life. 3-rd question: Denise - Someone you will never forget. Christine - Someone you consider your true friend. Dessa - Someone that you really love. Frances - Your twin soul. Gabbi - Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life. You have to send this test to as many persons as your favorite number (7) and your wish will come true on the day that you recorded (Friday). |
![]() justice.
JUSTICE MAGUINDANAO. why are there people so heartless they commit such a crime? 57. WHAT.THE.HECK. what would they get from killing journalists and civilians? what about the families of those people? they didn't do anything wrong. it's depressing. it's horrifying. it's too much. God bless Pinoys. Lord heal our land. forgive our sins,and heal our broken land. let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() photobook.
OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN.i really really really (to the nth power) want Hey! Say! JUMP's photobook. and i have the money,too! i know i can buy it in CDJapan,but i don't know how to pay. the whole thing + shipping(Economy Air Mail) = 3005 yen (US$ 34.04) [for Philippines,it would be 2835 yen (PHP 1507.98)]. maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. if i get this for Christmas,and the 7th volume of Penguin Kakumei,i would be the third-happiest girl in the world. the second happiest girl is me with my photobook,Penguin Kakumei,and opportunity to meet Ryo. the happiest girl is me with my photobook,Penguin Kakumei,Ryo,and ticket to the Philippines. so far,nothing is really happening,so,let me hope for the best. i will not be content by scans. I MUST HOLD IT IN MY HANDS! *oh look!i made a rhyme.: )* let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() pep rally.
i had a kinda cool day at the school today.:)AP Government is still the same: lots of work,blahblahblah. we even have work to do during the Thanksgiving break. what the heck,dude.it's a break.we aren't supposed to be doing anything. that's why it's called a BREAK. people in offices hang out and drink coffee during coffee breaks,why do students have to work over the break? teachers,ever heard of the phrase, "give me a break!" ? it doesn't mean "give me more work to do!". it means "let me rest for a while". who would enjoy having Thanksgiving with the family while thinking about the electoral college of the American government? NOT COOL, DUDE. Spanish is kinda short today. we had a little quiz on reflexive verbs. after that,we had to do 6 worksheets. most of my classmates did like,3-4 sheets. i finished them all ahead of time.LOL. [tu arreglarte el pelo de la manana?que haces detras de ducharte?]<--our lesson is about "getting ready". XD Fashion is quite interesting. people from the Hair Academy(a school of cosmetology in Washington DC) went to my class and did some of my classmates' hair. i wasn't able to participate cuz i had to go to the 4.0 assembly. the 4.0 (and above) assembly is for people who got a 4.0 as their GPA. i got 4.125,so i'm invited. we ate pizza,hot wings,parmesan sticks and cookies. i only ate 2 pizzas,and i was so full i almost got sick just by looking at more pizza. it was delicious though.:) then during Chem class,the majority of students in the school was sent to the gymnasium to a pep rally. it's to cheer for our JV football team cuz they have a game tomorrow. i think it's cool cuz they're undefeated.even though i don't really care about sports.XD so anyway,i was with Stephanie and Susan,my friends from Spanish class. because they were freshmen,i was sitting on the "freshman side". all the sophies are on the other side. so yeah. then the marching band played songs while the cheerleaders danced;the band was really good! after that,the announcer introduced the team. then he asked volunteers from each class. the freshies and sophies had two,while the juniors and seniors had one each. they danced.the freshmen were not very good,and so is the senior,but the junior rep. and our second rep,my classmate Graham, danced really good. i was surprised. then the guy with the microphone called for another freshie. the one who volunteered is a girl named Octavia,she's also my classmate in Spanish. two cheerleaders came in carrying a jumprope,and another cheerleader was challenged to jump the rope while blindfolded. she made 19 jumps. when it was Octavia's turn(she was also blindfolded),the microphone guy signaled the rope-holders to move away. so there was the poor girl,jumping and jumping,without knowing that she was alone in the center of the gym. the announcer was like,"oh my god!oh my god!it's a record!she made more than 30 jumps while blindfolded!". it was kinda funny,but i felt sad for the girl. luckily,a friend came down from the bleachers and told her that it's okay to stop. what a great friend. i hope Octavia doesn't get too embarrassed. end of school stuff. thanks for showing me the JUMP vids,Riin.:) Ryo's little message made my heart melt.~ arigatou ne~ eh ja. it's 3:41 am. gotta go. oyasumi~ :) let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() meow.
school's uneventful today.pssssssssh. whatever. so today,JM posted something on my wall. Social Interview asked him what's the theme song of my life. for some reason,he said it's Tokimeki no Doukasen by Konno Yukari. i'm not familiar with it,but i know it's the ED of Fushigi Yuugi. so anyway,i searched for it on Google,and here's the English translation of the lyrics: "If I call out your name, then I might suddenly wake up. It's not going to work out that well for us... meeting again by chance. In a crowd, you're just looking at girls with the same hair-cut as me. You're probably looking for someone. I wonder if it's your lover? In that moment our eyes met, I realized it was me you were looking for. It can't be! It can't be. You're running right toward me. The fuse of excitement runs all through my body. I don't want to fall to pieces, so I've got to get a hold of myself. But a little bit, today, a little bit, I feel like a lost kitten. If you approach me with kindness, [5] I can't help but follow you. Meow [Instrumental] What you said was so very similar to the lines that were spoken to me in the dream that I had last night. Loving and being loved has only a grain of chance. "But, you know, that grain is me" you said. The fuse of excitement is sizzling down. I've got to blow it out right away, or else I'll surely end up getting hurt some day. But a little bit, only a little bit, I want to approach you as I am. But when I can't even touch your hand, how can I hold on to you? Meow [Instrumental] In that moment our eyes met, I realized it was me you were looking for. It can't be! It can't be. You're running right toward me. The fuse of excitement runs all through my body. I don't want to fall to pieces, so I've got to get a hold of myself. But a little bit, today, a little bit, I feel like a lost kitten. If you approach me with kindness, I can't help but follow you. Meow." even though the lyrics doesn't apply to me, i was surprised to see that it's the most appropriate theme song for the second-ever fanfic i wrote. it's like,the same story.:) and yeah,Riin,i can't post my fanfics cuz they're not as good as yours.-________- and besides,i still have to type them up. and they're crappy,so yeah. oh,oh! i'm loving this new song by Us-2 Evil-0 called This Mighty Heart Attack. Mich Dulce(fashion designer, former PBB Celeb Ed. housemate, Miggy of Chicosci's ex-girlfriend, and musician) and Quark Henares(director,and Vicki Belo's son) are the vocalists of the group,and i say they did a good job on the song! the problem with OPM songs is they're not too catchy,and people get tired of them easily,but this one is like Jpop and Kpop. it's cute and catchy. i can listen to it all day and still love it. it's the first on the playlist.:D aaaand,as for the "how?" question,i'll tell you someday,when i meet you face to face.:) let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() my birthday is a two-part special.
![]() THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO GREETED ME! to acknowledge them,here are their names: [quesci people] - Gyver(even though you said "belated happy birthday") - Mark Tan - Ranni(even though you greeted me waaaaay to advanced.:D ) - Gabbi - Ekstin - Junice - Joy - Kuya Lawrence - Ira - Dennis - Adi - Ferrer - Raya - JM - Aurora - Mami Ysa - Dessa(19) - Izra(20) - Jolina(20) - Earl(21) [glendale people] - Jolyn - Alfonse - Ate Trizha - Ate Em-em - Juer [others.LOL.] - Ate Sharon - Ate April - Kuya Josh - Ysabelle (you sang me half a song!) - Mama and Daddy and Ponjie - Natnat - Zoilo - Mikewl (plurk.:D) [school/church] - RJ - MJ - Micah - Sir Salvo - Shawna - Stephanie, Jennifer, and Jocelyn - Ayanna, Dallas, Micaela, and the whole Chem class(i have no idea how you guys knew it was my birthday,but thanks anyway.^_____^) - Josh - Ate Myrrh - Tyler(19) - Kuya Jayson(21) - Kuya Michael(21) - Kuya Ro(21) - Tita Aileen(21) - Tita Eva(21) - Tito Boy(21) - Tita Elena(22) - Tito Arnel(22) you guys made me feel super warm and fuzzy inside.: ) oh,i forgot someone. FRANCES! how could i forget you? you've done so much for me. thankyousofreakingmuch. and the fanfic? I LOVED IT. i squealed so loud my sister thought something bad happened to me.:D it made me kilig and all. coincidentally,my version of Itoe is also an orphan. and the fanfic i wrote about a year ago also involves ice cream and fireworks. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. i really do love you,Frances. and Gabbi,i love her drawing! it must've took a long time to do it,ne~ thankyouverymuch! i miss you guys.D: we didn't do much today. we just ate at Applebee's. mom and i had riblets and onion rings(my favorite food in the whole wide world),Ponjie had shrimp,and daddy had steak. oh and we had this dessert too. it was a huge chocolate chip cookie,sitting on a plate of hot fudge,and it was topped with two scoops of vanilla ice cream and whipped cream. it was too noisy in the resto,though.(it was "teacher's appreciation day",but my mom didn't participate.) yeah.it was too stressful at school today. we had to do a lot of reading at Mr.Thomas' class(AP Gov.),i still haven't finished my cross-stitching thing in Fashion(it was too freaking tiresome) and i didn't feel too good in Chem. i saw Mr.Cheese FOUR times today,though.: ) i didn't get an iPod Touch, but i'm really happy that you guys didn't forget me on my birthday. okay,i know Facebook reminded you,but still,thanks. so yeah,thanks a lot again. you guys made me a lot happier today. :) P.S.ne,Ryo.do you have any idea how big is the part you played in my life?^_^ let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() *pat*
i like it when guys pat me on the head.it makes me feel...i dunno,special? when they do that,i get this urge to just hug them. maybe i just want a kuya so much,ne? forgive me for rambling.:D ^____^ let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() give this Christmas away.
a Christian organization named Samaritan's Purse is holding a program called "Operation Christmas Child".they collect and distribute Christmas gifts to millions of disadvantaged children each year. shoe boxes are collected in North America, Europe, and Australia by people who pack them with toys, school supplies, personal items, and other gifts. from 1993 through 2008, some 69 million shoe boxes have been handed out in more than 130 countries. my family donated 1 box this year. just one,but i hope that wherever this box goes,it will serve as a blessing to the person who receives it. my sister and i helped wrap the boxes and collect shipping fees at church today. it feels so awesome to help. and you know what,this Christmas,i'm planning to buy a small something,maybe a scarf,and give it to a random homeless person. even they need love. so yeah. help someone this Christmas. there's still time so save up now. share the love. :D let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() Hot Gimmick.
i am abandoning Hidarime,Shokojo and Otomen.for now. so i can focus on reading Hot Gimmick by Miki Aihara. i read it first on Shojo Beat, and i thought it's not really an exceptional manga,but i changed my mind. I LOVE IT. it's funny,it's dramatic,and it's really romantic. it's so romantic,my chest freaking hurts when i read it. it's like,my chest is really tight,and there's some sort of pressure on it. and that happens when i get too involved in a story. my heart goes doki-doki at every nice thing Ryoki does and also at every hug/kiss scene. AAAAAAAAAAAAAH. i can't take this. this is bad for my heart. and i usually like guys with glasses,but Ryoki looks cuter without it. let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() random stuff.
ooh,long time no post.i'm quite relieved to hear that it's not really Yuto in the purikura pic. i really thought it was him.O_o i'm currently watching Hidarime Tantei EYE,Otomen,and Shokojo Seira. so far,i'm loving Ryo's acting.:D :D :D demooooo,i don't like Mirai's hair as Seira. i prefer her Seigi no Mikata hair. and i still wished her partner was Hongo Kanata. one day after Ryo was born. tae. -___________________- anyways,i like the school nurse in HTE too. she's funny. and i like her overdecorated pink calculator. XD and i was surprised with the Otomen drama! i didn't know it would be so faithful to manga. and Seira's mansion in India was so hugemongous! she's really like a rich girl. however,the first thing i thought when i saw the first episode was,"how the heck did the people in India learn how to speak Japanese so fluently?" it's not really realistic if you think about it. but,who cares?! LOL. aaaaaaand,guessing time! who are these people? ![]() such a pretty lady,ne~ well,guess what? that's a he! LOL. i really thought it was a woman. -_____________- i'm sorry Yabumama. ![]() it's Ryuki Takahashi of D-Boys. he looks a bit like Chii in this pic,doesn't he? only in this one,though. they both have two large front teeth and they share the same birthyear. ^___^ credits:kenken18 @ lj ah,i'm currently watching Bleach: Memories of Nobody, too. i watched the English sub before,but because of some reasons(an overdose on Marky Cielo tributes; i really thought i was dreaming when the news of his death spread,which led me to believe that he's still alive and well.D:),i wanted to watch the Tagalog dub. Tagalog dub is waaaaaaaay better than English dub,because names are pronounced properly,nothing is changed with regards to the story,and the voices are close to the original. and i saw Mr.Cheese awhile ago. after one week of not seeing him,i really thought he transferred schools. false alarm. :D oh and i got my report card yesterday! i got 4.125 GPA. the normal GPA is 4.0,but i got extra credit because i have an AP class. ^____^ but i never got anything in return. i don't get anything even if i do good in school.D: i wish my berdei would be happier than this.-_____________- whoops. post getting too long. oh well. oyasumi~ let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() hapihapiberdei!
LATE AKO NG ISANG ARAW.HABERDEI MAMI YSAAAAAAAAAA~ imisyusomats. :D let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() fastener
i watched Jam Films 2: Fastener today.it's a film by Kouki Tange. it was weird.O_o i didn't understand the whole thing. i just watched it because of the cuteness that is a young Dai-chan. HE WAS SO CUTE. i just wanna pinch his cheeks! demo,a girl kissed him in this film. like,on the lips. what a lucky girl. i think it's his first kiss.(Chii had his first kiss because of a movie,so it's common,i think.) so yeah. i didn't get anything out of the story.-_______- speaking of cheek pinching,i recently saw this vid. Akame waking up Hikaru and Yabu. this one. Yabu was so cute even when he just woke up.LOL. oh and this is old,but i just want to know. is this really Yuto? ![]() i'm just curious.o_O shoot. my mom's here. gotta go prepare for bible study. ja~ let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() Duet Dec. 2009
read Duet Dec.09 translation today~(this is gonna be quite a long post,so paragraph breaks mean skipping topics.) what's with Ryo being similar to a raccoon? why raccoon,of all animals? i don't get it.LOL. however,i always thought Hikaru-kun is like a monkey. it seems like Yuto and Chii will agree with me. hahaha. and yeah,i thought Dai-chan is more like a cat because of his eyes. but i'd agree that he's cute like a penguin too.^____^ and about Chii saying that he's like a squirrel because of his teeth,i don't agree with that. i like Yuto's explanation more.:P wahahahaha. Ryo's goldfish' name is Yuri. Dai-chan's parakeet is named Chii-ko. Ryuu-chan's dog is named Chii. everyone loves Chii,ne~ oh and i like Hikaru and Inoo's shoes. :D ![]() ![]() i would gladly wear these shoes if they were my size.:)) LOL at Inoo's parfait for Ryo. no strawberries! he put "hairy strawberries" instead. 'what a sadistic parfait.'-Ryo-kun.XD i like how Ryo and Chii likes sweet foods even though boys aren't supposed to like them. ^________^ okay,so dude,what the heck?! Takaki's longest sleep lasted for 20 hours? geez, man. what a sloth.LOL.jk. mine's 14 hours,like Dai-chan. oh shoot. Keito lasted 2 hours longer than Takaki! these guys must be EXTREMELY exhausted. ah.all of them like beds,huh. or at least uses beds even though they like futons more. only Yabumama is faithful~ 'Arioka: OK! What should we do for lyrics? Let’s have Keito write something in English Yaotome: It might be surprisingly interesting if we let Ryutaro write it? Arioka: I bet he’ll write “acorns” and “cookies” (laughs)' LOL.so meaaaaaaaan~ XD i noticed Ryo really likes Kinki Kids. but i'm not really surprised Chii chose all Arashi songs. it's because of Ohno,ne~ you're such a fan and i'm also not surpised Yuto chose Seishun Amigo.hahaha. credits: smalltownsburns @ lj oh and i like this post. clicky. i agree with the Ryo and Maki one.*two of my most beloved J-actors.>w<* i'm proud to say i noticed it before.LOL. and also with the Matsuda and Dai-chan.:D and with the Christine-Cyndi one. update on the member-ai thingy on the magazine. :D i ABSOLUTELY love this message: To: Yamada From: Yamada Ryo.wants.love.from.Daiki. ARIYAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ "omae kara no ai ga hoshii yo!" LOL. credits: chinenpuccino @ lj. told you it's gonna be long. anyways,gotta go. oyasumi ne~ ^__________^ let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() mite mite~
![]() ![]() can you see the AriYama love right there? KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ anyways,i noticed something about Chii's hair. ![]() ![]() it doesn't look good up front. he's still uber cute though~ especially with the neko ears. Yuto looks awesome with the panda on his shoulder.:D ![]() the boys look awesome in the small pictures,ne~ demo demo demo,why the heck is Ryuu-chan taller than Ryo?! he's growing up so fast.O_o LOL. credits: kaoru_yubiwa @ lj oh!oh! there were rumors that Takaki-kun is dating Aya Hirayama,a co-star in Gokusen 3 (she's the newbie teacher with a notebook,Aoi-sensei.) they were apparently HHWW in Harajuku. i'm quite happy for him.^___^ demo,they have a 6 year age gap.O_o Takaki-kun was born 1990,while Aya was on 1984. oh,who cares? age doesn't matter,right? i noticed that i felt instantly happy for him,while i had a completely different reaction to Ryo's. -_________________- credits: satsukisora @ lj. anyways,i had an exam in AP Government awhile ago. and i completely forgot about it,so i didn't study. stupid. hrrrrrrr. i think i did quite good though.hahaha.: ) ironic. it's 11:18 pm. 13 more days before my birthday. i want an iPod Touch. but i'm prolly not gonna get it. i want the 3 volumes of Otomen(Aya Kanno) and the 2 volumes of Rasetsu(Chika Shiomi). and the last freaking volume of Penguin Revolution(Sakura Tsukuba). i have volumes 4,5 and 6 already. so i need vol.7. dang. this reminds me of my 10 Otakuzines lost in the flood. *sobs* D: D: D: *bawls* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. i can't get over it. D: eh. ja. oyasumi. :D listening to: Maalala mo Sana - Silent Sanctuary. "Ibubulong ko na lamang sa alapaap ang sigaw ng damdamin ko Sulyapan mo lang sana ang langit Baka sakaling marinig ng puso mo ang tinig ko" let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() science fair
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.science fair is coming. what to do? what to do? i can't think of a not too easy,but too complicated topic. mouuuuuuuuu. -________________________- this is troublesoooooome. topics are due tomorrow,and i have nada. lagot. (to be continued..LOL.) let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() chuuuu~
Riin,i know you saw this before,but i just read this.XDWHAT TO SAY BEFORE KISSING A- Please close your eyes. B- Itadakimasu (laughs) C- I'm digging in. ♥ D- Say ‘suki’ ten times, then I’ll kiss you. (laughs) E- Hm? F- Kiss me baby. G- Use your lips, ルネッサーンス [T/N: Apparently, it's a gag.] H- Can I kiss you? I- ...... (speechless) J- Can I kiss (chuu~) you? Answer: A- Morimoto B- Yabu C- Nakajima D- Arioka E- Yamada F- Chinen G- Yaotome H- Okamoto I- Takaki J- Inoo dang. i was surprised with Yuto and Chii's answers. i never thought they would say that.LOL. i like Dai-chan's answer. it's clever and sweet~ but why,Ryo? why "hm?" ? i don't get it. -___________- LOL. credits: kazegillx @ lj listening to: 14 - Silent Sanctuary <--i've been listening to a lot of Silent Sanctuary songs nowadays.*saan ba napupulot ni Sarkie mga lyrics nia?* Let Me Hear Your Voice - Big Bang <--Big Bang is freaking awesome.'nuff said. let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() hard.
"There is something inside of you...something that I long for, but for the life of me, I do not know what it is. I only know that now I cannot bear the thought of losing you." - Kearn,The Final Stormi got hit. hard. let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() Eye Test.
Deep Down You Are IntuitiveYou're the type of person who understands other people and the world very well. You don't let on to how much you know.You can tell so much from someone's facial expressions or tone of voice. And you always know when you're being lied to. You show the world exactly what you want to show. Besides being good at reading people, you also know how you're being read. You know when you're being manipulated, and you know how to manipulate someone if you have to. You usually don't resort to it though! so true.:) let's go the top,shall we? |