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cause cold
chills me to the bones
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![]() Jireh. that's jai-ra for you. it's Hebrew,but i'm not. 15 years old. Glendale School;Quezon City Science HS;Dr.Henry A. Wise HS Love.Faith.Unity.Peace.Courage.Fidelity Darwin.Curie. 10th Grade. Filipino. singing.reading.drawing.internet.daydreaming.eating. Jpop.Jdrama.Kpop.books.manga.anime. House MD. JAPAN. Yamada Ryosuke = ♥ |
![]() Ryo,Wonder Girls,and Movie Mob.*and sniffles*
Ryosuke!don't cry.D: you know and if you'll cry everytime you see a hugemongous crowd of people watching you sing,you'll need a lot more tears because people love you. so no need to cry.:) you make Chinen look a lot manlier. wahahaha. i'm kidding.^-^ i'm watched the Live Webcast of the Wonder Girls awhile ago. they're so cute and down-to-earth~ i love Yoo Bin!!! haha. they getting pretty good in English,and they're quite confident about what they're talking about. they answered a lot of fan questions, and Sun Mi keeps on drawing for the fans. they also dedicated songs to two lucky Wonderfuls. i wanna watch the next webcast~ the new format of Movie Mob sucks. i miss the old one. Movie Mob is a movie review show made by ordinary people via their webcams. it was really fun,but then,some producer decided to fix something that isn't broken. now it's horrible. bring back my favorite Mob Members! BlackNerd, Recess Boys, LoverBoy, Robin and BoyWonder, FilmBadgers, Meowzers, Mr.Perfect, and even the Brit Twins, please! please bring back the old show. no offense Travis Oscarson,but Tory was okay by herself.D: bring back the skits. i rate this new format: 1 broken trophy, because it's an epic fail! soooo yeah. this is all for today. ja~ [edit] i don't know how i forgot to mention. i'm sick. i can't talk and sing. you know how hard that is?! can't even recite at school. i feel like staying home.D: but my parents would butcher me if i did. it was just a simple "colds and cough", and i'm wasting a perfectly fine day staying at home? that won't work for them. what a pity.T-T pray for me,'kay? :D let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() D:
I'M SCARED.i'm scared that i might be turning into stone. i'm scared that my heart will harden. i'm scared that i just won't care. why does so many hurtful words stem from just a simple matter? why? my parents are arguing again. because of a misunderstood comment. i'm sad that it's happening again. but i'm relieved that i feel something. it's a sign that i still have respect for both of them. but if this continues,i just might not care anymore. i might be rebellious. the love and respect might go away. THAT'S WHY I'M SCARED. they aren't just the same anymore. let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() baka.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.i'm so stupid. i left my house key on my dresser. i thought i placed it in my purse the night before,but it turns out that i didn't. so this is what happened. i arrived at home kind of early,like about 3:50 or 4:00 pm. i was hoping that nobody's home,since i would like to sing out loud a bit,with no one bothering me. as i neared the front door,i began to fumble for my key. it wasn't there. i was like,"oh well.i guess i'll just ring the doorbell." so i pressed the button and waited for my dad to come and open the door. nobody came. i looked around and noticed that my dad's car is gone. oh shoot. i realized that my dad has work today. nobody IS home. i don't know what to do. it was cold,my books were heavy and i needed to pee. i had an idea. i went to the backyard patio through a gate in the fence and put my books down. i tried picking the lock on the backdoor with my hairpin,but i knew it wasn't gonna work because of two things: > there was a slide door that i can never open from the outside, >i don't know how to pick locks.XD the dog next door started barking at me. i kept telling it to shut up because i lived here. then i decided to just sit down and wait for someone to arrive and get me inside. luckily, i still had a honey bun and green tea left over from lunch. and i had a book to read. and i have my jacket to protect me from the cold. and the dog stopped barking and started to take pity on me so it just sat there,accompanying me. after 30 minutes of waiting,my dad finally arrived. when i told him i left my key,he laughed at me! so mean.T-T so aun. ang stupid ko talaga. nakakainis. XD let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() Frances oh.
LOOOOOOOL.Frances,i know you love YamaChii so much. Duet October 2009 (when asked about Chii) His “always glued to someone”-degree is really high. There’s a wide sofa in backstage and if I sleep there, Chinen was sleep in next to me too without I notice. Moreover, when I wake up, I see his face directly opposite with my face, it’s really surprising me (laugh) Ryo and Chii sleeping next to each other? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. the cuteness~ *-* i guess Chinen really loves Ryo,ne? hahahahahahahaha. credits:kenken18 @ lj let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() DaraGon
OMG.i'm a total fan of DaraGon now. i don't care if Lee Min Ho and Dara kissed in a commercial. whatever. i still go for the GDragon x Dara pairing. [HA! top that, Ponjie!] XD Hello Sexy guy do Hello Handsome boy do Hello Hello meonjeo malgeoreojundamyeon~ let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() school rumble.
aaaaah.i miss my former bus. you see,school buses here are free,like the schools themselves. so i consider it a privilege to ride in one. in case you're wondering,all buses here look like the mustard yellow ones in movies. so yeah. last year,my buses are 056 and 061. the 056 one is for going to school. i'm not too happy with that because the driver is kinda snobbish. but the 061 bus is what i miss. Mr.Diggs,the driver,is really funny and he likes to make random comments about people on the streets. because of him,my busmates usually call me Konnichiwa. some prefer to call me China Girl,but most call me Konnichiwa,even when saying "hi" in the hallways. i miss him. my buses now are no good. okay,maybe my morning bus is kind of okay,but i don't really like my afternoon bus. she always comes late. psssssh. and yeah. imma make kwento about my classes. A-days: LSN Government is kind of boring. i really don't like history and politics. so i don't have much to say about it. sorry Ms.Smith. then next is Spanish 2. Mr.Boettinger is really cool. he's kinda softie but i like the way he teaches. and i usually talk with my seatmate,Shawna. haha. next up,Fashion 1. we usually sketch clothes,then watch fashion shows. sometimes though,Ms.Brooks lectures us on sewing and stuff. fun stuff. then i have Chemistry with Mrs.Ras. she's Filipino but she seems strict.O_o she started talking Tagalog with me recently,though.:) B-days: Pre-Calc. Dr.Parapara *reminds me of Para Para dancing. XD* is your typical Filipino teacher. nothing really special. it's kind of fun,though,because we use our calculators to graph equations.LOL. then Computer Graphics 1. i took the class because it looks interesting,and because i love Ms.Brown. seriously. she's awesome! she's young and cool,and she considers us as little "turkeys". she was my Art 1 teacher.:) next is Art 2 with Mr.Generette. he's cool too. and he's really funny. i'm happy i got his class for the looooooongest period of the day. lastly,i got Ms.Moredo. obviously,Pinay sia. my classmates hate her for some reason. she's soft-spoken,kind of like Ms.Murcillo[remember her?]. yeah. and i like her class because it's close to my locker and i get to borrow books from her class. i already borrowed 3 and i'm planning to borrow another one tomorrow. heehee. B-days are awesome. i also got lunch buddies during B-days. i sit with Sandra,Taylor,Jaden and Rachel. i'm lonely during A-days.D: sooooooo,this has been a very long post. but this is basically what my week looks like. A and B-days alternate the days of the week, and i have 4 periods,about an hour and whatever minutes each,the 3rd being the longest. so yeah. baibai peeps.:) let's go the top,shall we? |
OHISASHIBURIIIIIIIIII~it's been so long ne? i miss you Frances.D: sorry i missed your bdeii. Izra's too. that was an unexpected hiatus.grrrr. but anyway,i'm just happy i'm back. ahihi. also,we have classes now! haha. so far,i've been liking my classes. i have Local,State and National Government[Honors],Spanish 2[Honors],Fashion 1 and Chemistry[Honors] for A-days. then i have Pre-Calculus,Computer Graphics 1,Art 2 and English 10[Honors] for B-days. i have 3 Pinoy teachers,but nobody wants to speak Tagalog with me. HUUUUUUUUUUU!*LOL* and i still don't have a barkada. i have plenty of acquaintances though. that means you guys are still irreplaceable~ i wish i could just fly to see you guys. so yeah! since i have my laptop back,it means that i'm back to normal! wooooooooh! whoopsie. gotta go. classes tomorrow. oyasumi~ ^-^ let's go the top,shall we? |