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cause cold
chills me to the bones
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![]() Jireh. that's jai-ra for you. it's Hebrew,but i'm not. 15 years old. Glendale School;Quezon City Science HS;Dr.Henry A. Wise HS Love.Faith.Unity.Peace.Courage.Fidelity Darwin.Curie. 10th Grade. Filipino. singing.reading.drawing.internet.daydreaming.eating. Jpop.Jdrama.Kpop.books.manga.anime. House MD. JAPAN. Yamada Ryosuke = ♥ |
![]() sleeptalking.
i'm getting freaked out by my younger sister.let's call her Ponkan. mwahaha. so anyways,i noticed she's been having dreams more frequently now. how do i know? because she TALKS while she sleeps. and it's creepy.and funny. the other day... Me:*posting FaceBook stuffs and staring at the screen* Ponkan: asan na ba yun? Me:*freeze* Ponkan: asan na kaya un ah?*mumblemumble* Me: ... Ponkan: oi ate matulog ka na! Me:*thinking she's awake* okaaay.oi anong hinahanap mo? Ponkan:*snore* the next day during breakfast.. Me: oi anong hinahanap mo kagabi? Ponkan: ha?anong hinahanap? Me:*laughs out loud* taht's the second time i heard her talk in her sleep. the first time was in the Philippines. she screamed "GO!!!" in the middle of the night and i was so surprised i almost fell out of the bed. and just a few minutes ago... Me:*doing my thang* Ponkan:47. Me:*freeze* Ponkan: let me see ulet. Me:*oh no.not again.* grabe na itech. maybe i should record her talking so she'll believe me. wahaha. let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() Gokusen THE movie.
OH.MY.GOSH.Gokusen the movie is coming out SOON!!!!! *flails wildly* okay,i don't know when but, I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED! *flails more* i'm really looking forward to it,because there were rumors that the protagonists from the three seasons will be reuniting! wootwoot! plus, i bet the movie will be focusing on Tamamori Yuta[Kis-My-Ft2] aka Takasugi Reita's class. that means more Johnny's Entertainment for us! download the preview footage [no subs.D:] of the movie here: f_fantasymonica @ lj edit: i just watched the preview. Kame will definitely be in here LOL. :) and Aqua Timez will be coming back to sing the ED. okay,okay,i'm talking too much. go watch the preview yourself.:) let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() updates again.
i saw this cute guy in church last Sunday.he's blond and has blue eyes. he kept looking at me so i smiled at him. and he smiled back. his name is Aden. and he's just over 1 year old. WAHAHAHAHAHAHA. what else did you think? wahahaha. he's so adorable~ LOL. and i've been swimming almost everyday now. i think i'm getting fat and swimming will help trim down my weight. wahaha. so yeah,i've been practicing my swimming skills. *i can now swim with my head above the water~* it's a good thing Ate has their own pool. and we've been going regularly to Kuya Josh's basketball thingies. today is by far the best one,i think. take this from someone who doesn't really like sports. Kuya's team[mostly made up of Pinoys] played against a mostly American team, and it was an intense game at first. then the kids came in. they were the family of the opposing team. and they were so freaking noisy! they kept booing at us,and they were stomping their feet on the metal bleachers, so we were pretty much shaking the whole time. THEY. WERE. SO. FREAKING. OBNOXIOUS. goodness,i want to hit their heads one by one. but they lost anyway. IN THEIR FACE! mwahahaha. this update is getting a bit long, don't you think? so yeah. nite nite.^_^ let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() updates.
hello there!so we watched Harry Potter ![]() and although i haven't read the book yet,i pretty much knew what was going to happen. but i still cried. Dumbledore was one of my most favorite characters. ![]() and now,i decided to read the whole series. wooooh! ![]() and i had another row with my sister. she takes everything so seriously. geez. ![]() and i still feel sad about not going to the Philippines. especially since my mom called ![]() she went to SM North ![]() SM NORTH. just a walking distance from school. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. i can't take this anymore. ![]() and yeah. MJ. he said he's gonna live in Florida now. that was abrupt. he didn't even have the chance to say goodbye. what about Micah? ![]() i thought he was gonna come back and then everyone will be happy again, then *poof*! it became Koko Crunch! he said he's not going back. ![]() how sad. ![]() |
![]() pouring it all out.
ohisashiburi~it's been a really long time since i posted. so yeah. i'm currently in Georgia with my sister,her husband,my oh so cute niece Ysabelle and my step-nephew Ethan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i just finished chatting with Arjan and Meggie. when they asked "when will you go here?", i died a little inside. i really really really want to say,"soon!" but i know i can't. my mom left for the Philippines today,and judging by her attitude the whole summer,we can't afford another ticket. it's not gonna happen. when summer started,i asked my mom if i can go home. she said no,but i still hoped and prayed that i can. i still pray. i stay awake at night praying that maybe,just maybe,it's God's will to let me go home just one more time. i want to see you guys before you graduate. i want to say proper goodbyes. i know i won't be able to see you even if i come back next year. not a single one. you know how sad that is? i cry my heart out at night,but nobody cares. the world won't stop for me. and you know what else,Arjan,Meggie,Christine and Gabbi told me that Ira Noblejas went home. alone,i think. my parents won't ever allow that. i don't dare suggest the topic,lest they think that i'm selfish and inconsiderate,since i've only spent a year here,and my dad needs to see my grandma. but they don't understand how badly i want this. nobody does. well,maybe my Ate April does. nobody else. i sit here crying silently, hoping my little sister won't hear it. she did. you know what she said? "Ate,matulog ka na nga!Kanina ka pa diyan eh,isusumbong kita kay Mama.Dapat kanina ka pa tapos diyan blah blah blah..." my sister is very encouraging,no? so you see why i always say i'm sad? because when i left,i left a piece of my heart in Quesci. and i'm not gonna get it back anytime soon. and you know what else is sad? me pouring my heart to a blog that only Frances and Gabbi would ever bother to read. thanks for always being there for me. i greatly appreciate it. i love you so much. so i guess that's it,huh? something i'll regret and think about for the rest of my life. let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() birthday cheers.
HABERDEI MARK TAN!*updates either tomorrow or the next day.:D* let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() haircut.
i got a new haircut~i super love it! i actually asked Ms.Myrna for a different cut,but i totally loved how she did my hair. and she's real awesome too! it's kind of fun being in a place where people come to just talk. sure,it's a salon,but there was an awful lot of Filipinos dropping by to see Ms.Myrna. that was cool. also,there were two Japanese hairstylers talking,which actually served as a practice for my Japanese skills,if not for the fact that they were talking on the faaaaaaaaaar side of the room. LOL. let's go the top,shall we? |
![]() onii-chan.
i want a big brother.a kuya.an onii-chan. i don't care if it's a biological one,a cousin,or just someone who cares for me like his own sister. i dreamed i was someone's [don't ask] kouhai,and treats me as his younger sister. it was..comfortable. yeah,it was fun. i wonder what it feels like if i really have one. some people would say that having a brother sucks,or whatever. but i would really love to have one. it's like having someone to depend on. it's being close to a member of the opposite sex without all the lovey-dovey stuff that you do with your boyfriend,or the respect you have to show to your dad/grandpa/uncle. i want a kuya,seriously. just one i could hug and tell my worries to,and will listen. D: let's go the top,shall we? |