cause cold
chills me to the bones
welcome humans!

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Yo.Jireh here.

that's jai-ra for you.
it's Hebrew,but i'm not.
15 years old.
Glendale School;Quezon City Science HS;Dr.Henry A. Wise HS
Darwin.Curie.Curie.i don't know what's next.
10th Grade.
House MD.
Yamada Ryosuke = ♥
Monday, September 14, 2009 @ 3:42 PM
Ryo,Wonder Girls,and Movie Mob.*and sniffles*
don't cry.D:
you know I we love you.
and if you'll cry everytime you see a hugemongous crowd of people watching you sing,you'll need a lot more tears because people love you.
so no need to cry.:)
you make Chinen look a lot manlier.
i'm kidding.^-^

i'm watched the Live Webcast of the Wonder Girls awhile ago.
they're so cute and down-to-earth~
i love Yoo Bin!!!
they getting pretty good in English,and they're quite confident about what they're talking about.
they answered a lot of fan questions, and Sun Mi keeps on drawing for the fans.
they also dedicated songs to two lucky Wonderfuls.
i wanna watch the next webcast~

the new format of Movie Mob sucks.
i miss the old one.
Movie Mob is a movie review show made by ordinary people via their webcams.
it was really fun,but then,some producer decided to fix something that isn't broken.
now it's horrible.
bring back my favorite Mob Members!
BlackNerd, Recess Boys, LoverBoy, Robin and BoyWonder, FilmBadgers, Meowzers, Mr.Perfect, and even the Brit Twins, please!
please bring back the old show.
no offense Travis Oscarson,but Tory was okay by herself.D:
bring back the skits.

i rate this new format:
1 broken trophy,
because it's an epic fail!

soooo yeah.
this is all for today.

i don't know how i forgot to mention.
i'm sick.
i can't talk and sing.
you know how hard that is?!
can't even recite at school.
i feel like staying home.D:
but my parents would butcher me if i did.
it was just a simple "colds and cough", and i'm wasting a perfectly fine day staying at home?
that won't work for them.
what a pity.T-T
pray for me,'kay? :D

let's go the top,shall we?

April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 September 2010 August 2011
what i wrote recently

D: baka. Frances oh. DaraGon school rumble. I'M BAAAAAAAAAACK~ haberdei Yuto-kun! FTS. video. ahoy!
so long~