cause cold
chills me to the bones
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Yo.Jireh here.

that's jai-ra for you.
it's Hebrew,but i'm not.
15 years old.
Glendale School;Quezon City Science HS;Dr.Henry A. Wise HS
Darwin.Curie.Curie.i don't know what's next.
10th Grade.
House MD.
Yamada Ryosuke = ♥
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 @ 4:32 PM
grabbed sa Multiply ni Mia.
For your every 'no' answer, add 1 to your score.
no 1. Do you feel guilty if you cry in public?
no 2. Do you think crying is a sign of weakness?
no 3. Do you think men and boys should be encouraged to hide their tears?
no 4. Do you feel embarrassed if you find yourself crying while watching a film or reading a book?
yes 5. Would you try to hold back your tears if you were attending a funeral?
no 6. Would you distrust a politician who shed tears in public?
no 7. Do you think that tears are an unnecessary expression of emotion?
no 8. Do you always try to hide your disappointment?
no 9. Do you get embarrassed if you see grown men crying?
no 10. Would you pretend that you had something in your eyes if you were unexpectedly discovered crying?
no 11. Do you always try to hide your anger?
Total: 3

For your every 'yes' answer, add 1 to your score
no 12. Do you tend to brood about things which make you angry?
yes 13. Does your temper even get out of control?
yes 14. Has your temper even got you in trouble?
yes 15. Do you believe that it does you good to get rid of your anger?
yes 16. Would you allow someone to comfort you if you were crying?
no 17. Do you get cross quite easily?
yes 18. Do you touch someone you love at least once a day?
yes 19. Do you enjoy physical signs of affection?
yes 20. Do you ever get broody when you see small babies?
yes 21. Would you happily hold hands in public with someone you cared for?
yes 22. Do you enjoy being massaged?
yes 23. Do you regularly tell those whom you love how you feel?
yes 24. Have you ever had a pet of which you were very fond?
yes 25. Do you enjoy being kissed and hugged by people you love?
yes 26. Do you ever laugh out loud when you are watching funny films?
yes 27. Do you ever tap your feet while listening to Music?
yes 28. Do you often have the last clap at concerts, sports events and the like?
yes 29. Do you ever shout encouragement to sports or TV heroes?
yes 30. Can you remember when you last really laughed and enjoyed yourself?
Total: 13

Score 17 to 30
Your attitude towards your emotions is a healthy one. You aren't ashamed to let your emotions show occasionally, and you will undoubtedly be much healthier because of this attitude. You are likely to be a good social adviser.

Score 8 to 16
You know how to let your emotions show but you still find it difficult to do so as often as you should. You should be prepared to let your emotions out more often. When you feel sad let yourself cry, when you feel angry, let your anger show, when you feel happy allow a smile to cross your face. Allowing your emotions out in this way will do wonders to your physical and mental health.

Score 7 or less
You are definitely very uptight. You really do need to allow your emotions flow out a little. There isn't any thing really wrong in allowing people to know how you feel.

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paranoid.o_O haberdei to you! Jet Ultra Metal Pistachio. moonlight forever. *sigh* o52. Hey! Say! JUMP survey~ "Who are you not to be?" recollection.
so long~